CorpMem is very proud to be awarded RIMPA’s Jim Shepherd Vendor of the Year for 2020. Industry Citizenship is one of our core values and is listed as such on the Company page on our website. To us, Industry Citizenship is about actively participating in our industry in a way that supports everyone who works in Records and Information Management beyond a simple exchange of goods and services for a fee. Our organisation truly believes that to get the most out of an anything you must give. The return on investment by being actively involved in our industry’s professional organisation RIMPA has certainly been worth it. The contacts we have made and the industry knowledge we have gained far outweigh the contribution we have made. Thank you RIMPA for the recognition you have given CorpMem by the awarding of this honor. We plan to do much more into the future, so keep an eye on this space. We encourage everyone who works in Records and Information Management to become active Industry Citizens and contribute to making this industry even greater than it is.
You can get the RIMPA Awards Night Wrap Up from the RIMPA News Feed.